I'm Mahdi Fathalla

I'm a Web/Mobile Developer,
and Hobbyist Animator

From the beginning of 2013

Started the journy of web development, at Bahrain Polytechnic when I found my passion into creating website interfaces for IoT devices!

Which they are known as Raspberry Pi Devices! It suppose to be Raspberry Pi Image, dude I was so amazed by the functionality that it can provide for a cheap price! It allowed me and my friend to propose for the campus a project to create an awareness system across the campus using those devices backboned by web application. That project was called Campus Information System.

Unfortunately, it did not last long until they pulled out the entire system due to unable to be maintained by the IT operation team of the Campus (Bruh!).

I will never forget the day of how this project awaken my passion of creating a better UI/UX for systems. Memes

From September of 2015

I joined a company for an internship who seeks to develop an e-commerce system, which it turns out a system for manpower agencies locally in our country (Whoa, mama!)

I was so overwhelmed by the use cases that this system requires me to develop, but I was so passionate to deliver the highest quality product for the company since it was my first company to join!

But there was one problem, I only know how to develop on pure PHP (Thanks to Campus Information System project, and some lessons I learned on the campus).

I managed to create my framework based on PHP, JavaScript, and HTML, to create a flexible backend that allows to get all database information, and allow to amend the information directly based on the column type.

Then, I realized I just created something like phpMyAdmin, whoops ... I'm glad that the company managed to pull off another system that replaced mine.

At least, I managed to get a full mark for that project :D